By Genius Gourmet

How to Get Rid of Unwanted Belly Fat

When we’re young and still growing, our metabolism burns through food, creates energy with said food, and disposes of unnecessary food. Most of the time, this process helps us maintain the same weight, give or take a few pounds.

When we mature and stop growing, the opposite happens. Our metabolism slows down, we need more food to create more energy, and our bodies don’t necessarily dispose of unnecessary food as quickly as it once did.

The food that is not disposed of makes its way to our body’s fat storage centers, and most of the time, it stays there. The #1 area of the body where fat deposits build-up in is the belly - in the visceral fat storage centers. And the more it piles up, the harder it is to get rid of it.

That’s why we’ve compiled some of the best ways to rid your body of belly fat, right here in this article. Start by cutting out unnecessary sugars. Once your body gets used to not feeding on sugar, you’ll start to feel healthier, and you’ll want to make additional changes to better help your health.


Take sugar out of your daily diet.

Sugar is the #1 culprit that contributes to visceral fat, better known as belly fat. Certain sugars, like fructose, are even worse for the body. Fructose quite literally clings to fat storage centers located in the abdominal regions. This, in turn, leads to cellular inflammation and raised cortisol levels.

Once the cortisol levels respond to the cellular inflammation, the body moves the fat from the subcutaneous cells around the body to the visceral fat supply center.

The most common forms of fructose-filled substances are sodas (containing large amounts of fructose corn syrup and table sugar) You’ll want to avoid sodas as best you can.

Sugar from fruits, however, aren’t so bad. Fruits contain more antioxidants and fiber than unhealthy sugars.


Get up and move around - don’t be inactive.

You need to keep your body moving if you want to limit the amount of belly fat you have. That means staying active, exercising regularly, and minimizing the amount of time you spend sitting around and watching television. 


A simple mile walk after work or after dinner will help you lose some of that unwanted visceral fat.










Do cardio exercises regularly. 

It’s been proven that cardio reduces belly fat. Aerobic exercises are most effective, even if you’re sticking to a regular calorie count.

High intensity workouts can be incorporated into your weekly schedule if and when you’re pressed for time; such workouts will supply you with a time-efficient way to stay on track. 


Add weight lifting and training to your exercise plan.

Weight training and resistance exercises burn just as much belly fat as cardio does.

Training muscles can additionally help keep muscle mass, decrease overall body inflammation, and alter your body’s ability to distribute fat.

Mix in weight training with resistance exercises to lose belly fat quicker.


Start on the infamous keto diet.

The absolute best fat burning diet is the keto diet. It’s also great for reducing visceral fat in the abdominal regions.

You’ll need to avoid unhealthy processed foods while on the keto diet. Basically, your eating regime should include nutrient-dense whole foods that fuel your body with antioxidants.

It may help reduce body belly fat even more if you put yourself into a calorie deficit. NOTE: Do not keep yourself in a calorie deficit for longer than a couple of months at a time, as this could harm your health.


Eat a lot of protein on that keto diet.

High-protein diets boost metabolism, decrease appetite, and ignite fat burning processes. 

That’s why we recommend that you consume at least 20-35% of your calories in protein forms.

If you’re doing a lot of resistance training, we additionally suggest that you add a whey protein shake to your diet immediately after your workout to boost your metabolism even more.


Take a daily dose of MCT powder or oil.

MCT powders and oils are very effective for weight loss, especially while on the keto diet.

They’re powerful supplements that boost visceral fat loss over time, so you will have to take the daily dietary capsule regularly to reap the benefits.


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