Keto Calculator

How a Keto Calculator Helps You

keto calculator for macros

This calculator helps you discover your unique needs, so you can:

  • Achieve your weight loss or weight gain goals
  • Easily stay in ketosis or monitor your progress
  • Address any concerns about meal portions
  • Stop guessing what and how much you should be eating
  • Enjoy being healthy again!
  • All you have to do is enter a some information below
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How To Use The Keto Calculator

Wonder how the keto macro calculator finds your daily macros? Here’s exactly how it works:

Step #1: Enter Your Details: Gender, Age, Height, and Weight

The keto calculator uses your gender, age, height, and weight to find your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Basal metabolic rate is the minimum number of calories required for functioning while resting. Knowing your BMR will help you determine your caloric needs while on a weight management plan.

This calculator uses the Mifflin-St. Jeor Formula to find your BMR. The Mifflin-St. Jeor Formulas is one of the most accurate formulas for BMR calculations. [*].

What affects your BMR?

Gender: Body composition is different between men and women.

Age: Your BMR decreases with age as your muscle mass declines, especially after age 30.

Height & weight: Needed to know your unique body composition.

The Genius keto calculator determines your energy consumption when you’re not resting:

Step #2: Enter Your Activity Level

Your physical activity level (PAL) measures how much energy you spend daily when you’re active. The Genius Keto Calculator takes into account your BMR and your activity level to find your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), which is the number of calories your body burns in 24 hours. With this information the TDEE tells the Genius Keto Calculator how many calories you need to eat daily. Pretty cool huh!

Step #3: Calorie Intake Goal

Depending on your objectives for the ketogenic diet, you can input desired calorie goals by selecting calorie deficit or surplus. For example, if you choose a 10% calorie deficit, your total daily calories will be 10% lower than you need. This will help you lose a moderate amount of weight. If you put a 10% calorie surplus, your daily calories will be 10% higher than you need, which helps you gain weight.

Here’s how the calorie bar works:

To maintain weight: Keep the bar at 0%.

To lose weight: Move the bar between 0 and -50 (calorie deficit). Stay within 10-20% for moderate weight loss.

To gain weight: Move the bar between 0 and +50 (calorie surplus). Stay within 10-20% for moderate weight gain.

Step #4: Advanced Settings

Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is determined by using your body fat percentage. If you struggle with weight loss or gain, it may be due to an imbalance in your nutritional plan. The keto calculator will determine the correct amount of protein you need to consume per day for weight loss. The best part is that you will not be sacrificing muscle mass because the calculator's formula will give you an accurate estimate. If you don't know your body fat percentage, you can measure it at home, the gym, or in a health and wellness facility. These are the two most accurate methods:

If you don’t know your body fat percentage, you can measure it at home, the gym, or in a health facility. These are the two most accurate methods:

Skinfold Calipers: Skinfold calipers are used to assess the skinfold thickness, which is an indicator of your body fat. The skinfold method is based on the ideology that body fat is equally distributed throughout your body, and the thickness of the skinfold represents subcutaneous fat. Often skinfold assessments are done by health and wellness professionals. During the evaluation, the professional will pinch one area of your skin that folds easily (like your stomach or thighs) to measure your subcutaneous fat. Personal trainers and nutritionists use it to build out a program that will complement your body type.

DEXA (Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry): DEXA scans measure if a person is at risk of osteoporosis or other bone-related diagnoses. A DEXA scan provides a fully comprehensive analysis of your total body composition. This comprehensive assessment is considered better than the BMI amongst some industry experts. It's recommended you measure your body fat percentage every six to eight weeks.

Other methods at home like online calculators and bioelectrical scales can be wildly inaccurate, so avoid these. There are other techniques done in health facilities like air-displacement plethysmography and hydrostatic weighing, but these are pricey as well and not as thorough as a DEXA scan. It’s recommended you measure your body fat percentage every six to eight weeks.

Protein Ratio

According to the USDA guidelines, the recommended daily intake of protein is 10 to 35 percentage. Your protein ratio is based on several factors, including your weight, activity level, and body fat. To ensure you're getting the correct amount of protein required, you have to measure your lean body mass (LMB), which is the difference between body mass and body fat. From example:

If you weigh 170 pounds (77 kg) and your body fat percentage is 20%, then your lean body mass is 80%, which in pounds would be:

Body fat %= 20%*170 lb= 34 lb (15.4kg)

Lean body mass=170 lb-34 lb= 136 lb (61.6kg)

To maintain your muscle mass while losing weight, input 0.60 - 0.80 grams per lb of lean body mass (1.3 to 1.7 grams per kg LBM). In this example, you would input 81.6 – 108.8 grams of protein (0.17989lb or 0.23986 lb). To gain muscle mass, the protein ratio should be between 0.8 to 1.2 grams per lb of LBM (1.7 to 2.3 grams per kg LBM). In this example, you would input 108.8 -163.2 grams (0.23986 lb or 0.3597 lb).

Total Carb Intake

Input the number of carbs you want to eat. It’s recommended you leave it in the standard range of 20-50g of net carbs. Finally, the Genius Gourmet keto calculator takes all this input and creates the perfect macro targets for your goals.