November 02, 2021
Just 1 ounce of potatoes has 6 grams of carbs. And, unfortunately, most bags of potatoes chips are more than one ounce. That doesn't exactly sound keto-friendly.
So where can you hit that craving for the crispy, satisfying crunch of a chip if you're on the keto diet? Read on for some of our favorite options of keto chips that won't break your diet.
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September 13, 2021
In 2020, the keto diet ranked in the top 35 diets in America. The diet focuses on fat and protein, restricts carbohydrates, and was designed for weight loss.
One of the things people most want to know about the diet is what are the best keto snacks. Because snacking can help prevent overeating at mealtime, including them is a vital part of successful weight loss.
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August 13, 2021
Our generation has seen some of the most advanced medical technology our world has ever seen. Despite this, as many as 2.8 million people die each year from diseases related to obesity. Why?
One of the reasons overweight people state for not losing weight is that it is just so hard to make lifestyle changes. They can't find a diet that works, and they enjoy it.
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August 12, 2021
The keto diet is a restricted carb meal plan that focuses on protein and fat. Many people find that they can successfully lose weight on the diet, but sometimes they get hungry.
If that's you, you're in the right place. There are many keto snacks that you can eat between meals to satisfy your hunger and still stick with the plan.
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May 07, 2021
The older we get, the longer our bodies take to break down food. Even if you monitor the amount of food you eat, it's inevitable; you'll gain some weight. Some people may see changes in their metabolisms as early as age 30. The ketogenic diet helps promote weight loss by boosting your metabolism and reducing your carb intake. According to Harvard Health, keto is the ultimate low-carb diet. Keto is ideal for anyone that wants to reduce the number of carbs they consume daily, in addition to a reduction in appetite.
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February 05, 2021
Staying on a diet while traveling can be difficult. To be successful on any type of diet, you need to be consistent and have a routine. Those components go out of the window when you are on vacation. Traveling offers you the opportunity to relax, indulge in some of your guilty pleasures, and enjoy some of the local cuisines.
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January 29, 2021
Unlike most diets, Keto allows you to indulge in many of your favorite meats in moderation. Depending on your dietary preference, seafood can either be the first or last thing you eat. In this article, we will provide you with some great seafood options while on Keto.
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January 25, 2021
Whether you are doing keto alone or as a family, it can be tough coming up with new recipes. Eating the same type of meal every week can get old very quickly. In this article, we will share some great dinner recipes that will spice up your keto diet.
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January 11, 2021
2020 was a crazy year, to say the least; within months, our optimism for the new decade turned into uncertainty. Months of lockdown might have left you with a lack of motivation to diet or do anything. Fortunately, 2020 is over, and the opportunity to start fresh is here. This article will discuss some of the ways you can achieve a healthier lifestyle in 2021.
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November 16, 2020
Starting your morning without a fulfilling breakfast can derail your day. While on a Ketogenic Diet, it may be hard to stay away from those carb-filled breakfast treats. In this article, we will provide you with some Keto-friendly breakfast recipes that ensure you stay on track.
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October 28, 2020
Fall marks the beginning of the holiday season; whether you are looking forward to your favorite pumpkin spice flavor snacks or indulging on thanksgiving, the Fall isn’t the ideal season for your Keto diet. Staying on track can be done without sacrificing all of the holiday festivities. In this article, we will cover some tips that will help you survive the Fall.
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September 29, 2020
Keto diets require you to eat foods primarily high in fat; that’s how the body goes into a state of ketosis, burning weight off to lose pounds along the way.
Starting a keto diet with minimal knowledge on the matter can pose as a difficult task. You need to know the foods that are best to eat and the foods that are still good, even if they don’t rank as #1 on the keto charts.
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