Foods You’ll Want to Avoid While on the Keto Diet – Genius Gourmet Inc

By Genius Gourmet

Foods You’ll Want to Avoid While on the Keto Diet

Getting your body ready to be in ketosis and keeping it in ketosis are two difficult tasks - especially when some foods slow down or completely stop the process from happening.

That makes it your job to know and understand your food choices, what’s correct, what’s not, and more.

Once you get the hang of it, staying in ketosis won’t be so hard.


#1: Grapes

Grapes are what professional keto’s call “pure carbohydrates.”

Anything with carbohydrates can and will slow down ketosis; in some instances, ketosis might stop altogether.

Instead of filling up on grapes, choose berries for your next fruit snack. They’re low in carb content, high in fiber, and filled with antioxidants.

While you’re staying away from grapes, you should also kick wine and raisins to the curb.


#2 Potatoes


Potatoes, and any other starchy vegetable like corn or parsnips, should be avoided while partaking in the keto diet.

Starchy vegetables are bad for ketosis, considering they’re also high in carb content.

Instead, lean on leafy green vegetables to fill you up. The rules goes like this: Any vegetable that grows above the ground is perfect for ketosis, any vegetable that grows below the ground should be avoided.


#3 Low Fat Dairy


Keto diets require a high fat intake, so anything with the words “low” and “fat” in the description should be entirely omitted from your food choices.

Additionally, a lot of low-fat dairy options include lactose as an additive to replace the fat - and lactose is a carbohydrate. That’s another no-no.


#4 Margarine


A lot of companies claim that margarine is the “healthy alternative to butter,” but that’s not the case when it comes to a keto diet.

Butter has more natural fats than margarine, and margarine has a lot of added carbs to make up for the lack in taste.

Avoiding all substitutes to butter is your best bet.


#5 Diet Soda


Replacing regular soda with diet soda often happens when you go through the diet phases. That’s not always the best choice when you’re trying to make keto-friendly decisions.

You see, citric acid and artificial sweeteners are added to make diet soda taste better, and those ingredients only slow down ketosis.


#6 Cashews


Typically, nuts are filled with great nutrients and packed with a ton of protein - but that’s not the case with every nut.

For example, nuts that contain carbohydrates include cashews, chestnuts and pistachios. Instead, you should lean on nuts lower in carbohydrate content, like walnuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts.

Even if you have nuts containing carbs in low doses, you can still break your ketosis and end up starting all over again.


Genius Gourmet Products

If you’re looking for a delicious keto snack that you know won’t break your ketosis, try out Genius Gourmet keto bars and keto chips today.

You won’t have to second guess if you’re making the right decision, and you won’t feel guilty for indulging in such a delicious, keto-friendly food item.


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